Fearless Journey

[8-minutes for you to explore, a music sample to make you smile,
plus 3 short video clips to see Chris in action.]

Out of Your Comfort Zone
Anything is Possible.

From almost being institutionalized with autism as a boy,
Chris battles the odds to create an extraordinary life as a global nomad.

With a few dollars in his pocket, he’s off to pursue freedom, friendship, and adventure. And now to face new challenges—the ones that really scare him.

With funding we move into production of this woman-led, international documentary in 2024-2025.


 In a time

full of conflict and

divided by fear,

we love

a soul-stirring story

that opens our hearts

to a much bigger world.

We welcome your support.





Chris is a self-appointed Ambassador of Fearlessness. In July of 2024, he traveled to Ukraine, “To meet new friends and see their beautiful country.” On his own, he has traveled to 85 of the 241 countries and territories recognized by the UN.

Chris in Ukraine this summer

Home is 7 continents.

Chris goes off the beaten path to meet fascinating new friends who are doing great things and people living simple lives that are often overlooked. He doesn’t have a home, he sees the entire planet as HOME.

Real friends and purposeful journeys.

Where others see differences, Chris sees what we all have in common. Where others distrust, Chris believes in the essential goodness of most people.

The antidote to loneliness, isolation, and xenophobia is to “know” people. To become real friends in the real world.

Many have not yet dared, or may never have the experiences that show them the oneness of the human family.

That’s where the vicarious experiences of FEARLESS JOURNEY can have a huge impact. Taking global audiences on journeys they haven’t imagined.

It is not easy or glamorous.

The way Chris travels is based on living hand to mouth himself. He travels with nothing more than his backpack and trusts that hand gestures and a few shared words in a common language will provide connection.

He prefers out of the way places and a chance to see beyond the veneer of tourism to how people actually work and live, what they eat, the music they listen to, what they love and why.

Recently Chris was stopped by armed soldiers in Angola for photographing a government building. This lone traveler with autism was a complete surprise to them. He explained he loved their country, found it beautiful, and hoped others would visit and so they let him go in peace.

How can his life work in the long run?

Strange as it seems, it’s easier for Chris to be in a remote country with a few dollars than to face himself and make big changes in his life.

Chris dreams of having a partner, a romantic relationship and has no idea how to have that happen. He wants to unify his family before his father dies. Chris longs to be of greater service to others. He wants to become a nomadic inspirational speaker and advocate—creating more meaningful work for himself as he travels but he has been stopped by fear and.

But like all of us, Chris experiences being stopped in his tracks by fear of the unknown, by limits that are self-imposed or imposed by society. His struggle to become more and different provides the backbone of the film. The unlikely people Chris meets on the road and what they create together provide the unexpected twists and turns of the story.

Universal challenges.

Audiences related to the universal challenge to leave our familiar comfort zone, face the fear zone where we don’t yet have confidence, step into the learning zone where we acquire new skills, and then reach into the growth zone where we find our purpose and live our dreams. Facing what frightens us is always worth it by the end of the journey—because out of the comfort zone is the interesting place to be.



Let’s begin shooting as soon as possible.

Chris’s father has suffered two major strokes and brain surgery, so there’s a lot at stake with Chris’s family right now. And there are many hot spots flaring around the world with extremism on the rise.

Shifts in legacy media corporations and streaming and looming strikes offer challenges and timing opportunities for FEARLESS JOURNEY. Programming is needed and audiences are always hungry for new content and stories they haven’t seen before. We’ve got a singular story to tell. We just need the funding partners who will stand behind the film.

We’re ready to shoot in 2024-2025.

Our team is aligning with strategic partners, funders, and friends of the film who understand the good it will leverage—not just for tens of millions of people, but potentially even more.

  1. We make the film.

  2. We make sure it’s seen globally in limited theatrical release, film festivals, and streaming and

  3. We make sure it has impact and is used by educators, and a large number of NGOs and nonprofits globally.

    Join us on this 3-part journey to give FEARLESS JOURNEY to the world.

 One of the ways Chris survives until he steps into a new life. [rough cut 5 minutes proof of concept footage.]




no one else believeD.

“I was an isolated boy. I didn’t speak very often. Doctors recommended institutionalization. My life changed when I held a red potholder in the shape of Texas. Somehow understood there were other places to go.

We didn’t have money and my parents believed that travel wasn’t possible with 7 children. We had secondhand shot glasses with countries on them. There was a world for me to discover.


In school I was brave enough to say I was going to SEE THE WORLD. It broke my heart to be laughed at and bullied. It was exhausting to argue. Even my family said I wasn’t capable of traveling alone and with just a little money. They didn’t have passports. They didn’t know how to travel. They said it was a stupid dream that could never come true.

It was hard to believe in myself. I was very lonely. At times I was suicidal. I knew I’d have to teach myself. I studied maps, learned how to deal with airports, and figured out how I could get around once I landed. Where would I stay when I got there?


If I couldn’t find public transportation or failed to hitch a ride, I’d have to sleep by the side of the road. I got a job stocking shelves at a grocery store and saved for a ticket at the lowest fare I could find. I saved a few hundred dollars for expenses. I stuffed a backpack with a change of clothes, faced my fears, and went!”



Chris has been robbed at gunpoint in Guatemala, been sick as a dog in Cuba, fed a giant tortoise on the notoriously remote Pitcairn Island, worked for a year to get to Antarctica, walked many miles in the sub-zero temperatures to see the Northern lights in Sweden. He has gone into North Korea with just a few hundred dollars and the desire to make new friends there and it became one of his favorite journeys.

Every trip unearths something surprising.

Chris recently discovered a half-brother he’d never met when he took a genetic test to sort out his parentage. An unexpected adventure with a new brother is now possible.

They say “tourists” don’t really get to know the places they’ve been but that “travelers” experience life beyond what they imagined was possible. That’s what it’s like to be a global nomad.

What is outside your current comfort zone?

What seems unlikely but is not impossible for you? What do you imagine stands in your way? What are you willing to risk to experience what you want from life before you die? Audiences will take on these questions. That’s the power of the story.

 Keep a firm grip on the wheel. The pain of isolation and being left out. [rough cut 2 minutes.]


Past journeys

Chris in North Korea


Chris has logged journeys to 85 countries on his own and considers the entire world his home.

And yes, that’s him alone in North Korea with a few hundred dollars figuring out what to do there, and how to get to the next country. He loved it. Now he’s planning a journey to Iran and to the South Pole.

Where Chris has journeyed so far.

(Scroll below to see a list that will amaze even the well-traveled.)

Dec ’04-Jan ’05 Australia (Sydney)
Jan ’06 New Zealand
Jan ’07 Australia (Queensland & Northern Territory)
Jun ’07 Iceland (Greenland)
Aug ’07 Costa Rica (Monteverde) & Nicaragua (Granada)
Jan ’08 Peru
Mar ’08 England, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany & Luxembourg
Aug ’08-Aug ’09 New Zealand (full year)
Aug ’08 Fiji, Tonga
Feb ’09 Niue
Nov ’09 Costa Rica (Tortuguero), Nicaragua, & Cuba
Nov ’10 Costa Rica (Cahuita), and Panama
Apr ’11 England
Jan-Feb ’12 Costa Rica, Nicaragua (Esteli), Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize
Jun-July ’12 Dominican Republic
Feb-Mar ’13 Ethiopia
Mar ’13 Turkey (Istanbul)
May-Jun ’13 USA Hitchhiking (Zion NP, Colorado, Sierras, Texas) Mexico (Baja)
Feb-Aug ’14 New Zealand
Feb ’14 Cook Islands
May ’14 Norfolk Island
Aug-Sep ’14 Norfolk Island (South Pacific)
Sep-Oct ’14 Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia
Oct ’14-Jun ’15 Australia (Northern Territory, Melbourne)
Jun-Oct ’15 New Zealand
Sep ’15 Norfolk Island (South Pacific)
Oct-Dec ’15 Indonesia (Bali), South Korea, North Korea, China (Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau)
Dec ’15-Jun ’16 Australia (Western Australia, Melbourne, Tasmania, Queensland)
Feb ’16-Jun '16 Norfolk Island (South Pacific)
Jun-Oct ’16 New Zealand
Sep ’16 Australia (Lord Howe Island)
Oct-Dec ’16 Samoa, Tokelau, American Samoa
Dec ’16 New Zealand
Dec ’16-May ’17 Australia (Melbourne, Queensland, South Australia, Sydney)
Mar ’17 New Caledonia
May-Jun ’17 USA (Pennsylvania)
Jun ’17 Canada (Newfoundland, Montreal), St. Pierre, Miquelon
Sep ’17 Australia (Adelaide)
Oct-Dec ’17 Chile, Argentina, Falkland Islands, Antarctica
Dec ’17-Jan ‘18 New Zealand
Jan-Jun ’18 Australia (Melbourne)
Mar ’18 Maldives
Jun ’18 Ireland
Jun-Oct ’18 New Zealand
Sep ’18 Wallis, Futuna
Dec ’18 Norway, Sweden
Dec ’18-Jun ’19 Australia (Byron Bay, Melbourne)
Jan-Feb ’19 Indonesia (Bali)
Jun ’19 Norfolk Island (South Pacific)
Jun-Oct ’19 New Zealand
Oct-Nov ’19 French Polynesia, Pitcairn Island, USA (California), Taiwan
Jan ’20 Norfolk Island (South Pacific)
Feb-Mar ’20 Thailand, Laos
Nov ’19-Jun ‘21 Australia (Queensland)
Jun ’21 Norfolk Island (South Pacific)
Jun-Nov ’21 Australia (Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia)
Nov ’21 Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Nov ’21 Australia (Perth)
Nov-Dec ’21 Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean)
Dec ’21-May ’22 Australia (Perth, Northern Territory, Queensland)
May-Jun ’22 Papua New Guinea
Jun ’22 Greece, Malta, Turkey, Egypt, Russia* (Russia postponed for obvious reasons)
July-Aug ’22 USA (California, Arizona) to record narration for FEARLESS JOURNEY.
Aug-Nov ’22 Australia
Dec-Jan ’22-'23 New Zeland
Jan-Feb ’23 East Timor
Feb-Mar ’23 Indonesia (Flores, Komodo)
Mar-Apr ’23 USA (Pennsylvania, *Chris's father had two strokes and brain surgery.)
May-Jul ’23 Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Angola)
Aug ’23 Southeast Asia (Thailand and Cambodia)
Aug ’23 Australia (hitchhiked from Perth to Melbourne)
Sep ’23-Dec '23 New Zealand, Australia
Jan - Feb '24 Tuvalu, Nauru
Apr - May '24 India (by train and bus)
May - Jun '24 Germany, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Czech Republic, Poland, Norway, and Finland
July '24 Ukraine
Chris in Angola

Chris in Angola


Places To Go. People To Meet.

With funding we’ll refine the plan for what journeys to shoot and the purpose of each of the journeys in the film and the people he will meet and their adventures together.

We’re reaching out to patrons, friends, and colleagues to explore possibilities such as:

  • Cappadocia/Konya/Istanbul, Turkey to work with refugees.

  • Congo to work alongside the women who are leading bonobo conservation and preserving huge tracks of the rainforest.

  • China (we’re searching for the right characters and location)

  • Sierra Leone to work with Princess Sarah of the Bumpe Tribe to support her initiative to build more wells.

  • Philippines (we’re searching for the right adventure).

  • India (we’re looking for opportunities there).

This initial list is the starting point. Locking in storylines, locations, additional casting, days shooting and final budget are part of the pre-production planning process. With funding in hand, we’ll do that important work and move into principal photography.

After completing the film our efforts will support driving audiences to see the film and the impact plan to give it a long tail of influence. You can be part of it all.

with your support the film journey begins…


 Next big steps out of the comfort zone. [rough cut 57 seconds.]


fearless journey continues with you.

It will also live in the imagination of audiences for a long time.

With full funding, the film will be shot in 2024-2025.

We invite you to join us in bringing this film to screens around the world through your support of the pre-production, production, post-production, release, and impact plan phases of the project.



We have a nonprofit 501(C)(3) fiscal sponsor that offers tax deductibility in the U.S. In addition to individual and family philanthropic funding, the project seeks national/international brand integration and corporate philanthropy from companies that value being good global citizens.


We will assemble our teams and shoot each journey while editing sequences so that the rough cut of the film takes shape organically. We’ve got world-class talent standing by because they love the story.


This story has a long tail of influence and will benefit the work of many NGOs/Nonprofits and be seen in schools/colleges/universities worldwide. We’ll create those alliances early so that they are an organic part of the process.


EXPERIENCE more of the world, FEEL a deep sense of belonging, EXPLORE the relationships that give life meaning, and ENJOY our shared humanity. We plan to extend the content of the film’s stories, including an interactive online presence that engages the audience as they take on their challenges and journeys.

*FEARLESS JOURNEY could extend into a series with other characters and their intersection with each other—as the journeys continue.

Key team members and our PERSONAL connection to the story:

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