Russell Lehmann
Russell Lehmann was named the 2022 Advocate of the Year by the Autism Society of America.
He is an award-winning and internationally recognized motivational speaker and poet with a platform of autism and mental health. His words have been featured in the USA Today, LA Times, NPR, Yahoo! News, and Success Magazine.
Russell travels the world spreading hope, awareness, and compassion working to erase the stigma and stereotypes that come with having what some describe as “a disability.”
He was not formally diagnosed until the age of 12 after suffering through five weeks in a lockdown psychiatric facility. Russell wrote a book titled Inside Out: Stories and Poems from an Autistic Mind, which was featured in the LA Times, earned an Honorable Mention at the NY Book Festival, was read by Temple Grandin, and won the award for Literary Excellency at the International Autistic People’s Awards in Canada. His second book, On the Outside Looking In, recently hit bookstores nationwide. Russell has lectured for the prestigious King’s College of London and the Mohammed bin Rashid Center for Special Education in Abu Dhabi.
Russell is consulting with the FEARLESS JOURNEY team and will support Chris in stepping into a bigger and more challenging life outside his current comfort zone.